Welcome to Riverview Rescues!
We are a foster-based rescue located in Renfrew County and Ottawa.
Our rescue animals come from all over Canada; however, our main focus is to help rescued puppy mill/backyard breeder dogs, strays, and the overpopulation of Northern dogs in Quebec, Northern Ontario, Manitoba & Nunavut.
We support and work with many different rescues to accomplish the same goals. If you need help, reach out.
Thanks for visiting,
RR Team

Why Adopt?
Adopting an animal instead of purchasing one from Kijiji or Facebook marketplace helps give a needy animal a home. The more that people purchase off these sites, the more the backyard breeders see the need to breed their animals. We take in amazing animals from kill shelters to give them a second shot at life. Consider adoption!
Are breeders bad?
No! Reputable breeders that follow CKC standards are wonderful. Breeding is suppose to be done for the betterment of the breed. Not for unvetted, untested "accidental" litters, or for money. Also, they almost always take the animals back if the purchasers have an issue in the future. If you've purchased your animal from a breeder and you'd like to surrender please connect with your breeder first.
Why do I have to pay for a rescue animal?
Because animal care and vetting costs money! Adoption fees, fundraising and donations are our only sources of funding.
Trust me, the amount of money your adoption fee is, is only a fraction of the costs that go into the rescue animals!
How can I help?
We always need drivers, fosters and fundraising volunteers. We also have a list of donations we are in need of and an amazon wish list you can find under the donate tab! Get involved with us, or a local rescue and start changing some lives of animals.
Donations are always needed and accepted to riverviewrescues@gmail.com